Re: 5 Models - #3 Deistic Evolution

Stephen Jones (
Fri, 09 Jun 95 06:30:03 EDT


Here is model #3, Deistic Evolution:

Deistic Evolution

Although the term is rarely heard, deistic evolution is perhaps the
best way to describe one variety of what is generally called theistic
evolution. This is the view that God began the process of evolution,
producing the first matter and implanting within the creation the laws
which its devel- opment has followed. Thus, he programmed the
process. Then he withdrew from active involvement with the world,
becoming, so to speak, Creator emeritus. The progress of the created
order is free of direct influence by God. He is the Creator of
everything, but only the first living form was directly created. All
the rest of God's creating has been done indirectly. God is the
Creator, the ultimate cause, but evolution is the means, the proximate
cause. Thus, except for its view of the very beginning of matter,
deistic evolution is identical to naturalistic evolution for it denies
that there is any direct activity by a personal God during the ongoing
creative process.

Deistic evolution has little difficulty with the scientific data.
There is a different story with respect to the biblical material,
however. There is a definite conflict between deism's view of an
absentee God and the biblical picture of a God who has been involved
in not merely one but a whole series of creative acts. In particular,
both of the Genesis accounts of the origin of man indicate that God
definitely and distinctly willed and acted to bring man into
existence. In addition, deistic evolution is in conflict with the
scriptural doctrine of providence, according to which God is
personally and intimately concerned with and involved in what is going
on in the specific events within his entire creation.

(Erickson M.J., "Christian Theology", 1985, Baker, Grand Rapids, MI,

I hope this will stimulate some comment. Does anyone disagree with

