Re: The Deistic Robot

Bill Hamilton (
Thu, 1 Jun 1995 09:20:10 -0500

>>Stephen wrote:
>>Glenn, there is a spiritual war going on. On one side is "the
>>dragon...the beast and..the false prophet" (Rev 16:13). On the other
>>are the saints - which include YECs! (Rev 13:7). Perhaps we need to
>>ponder again these things?

The YEc's as well need to ponder the fact that there are quite a number of
Christians who accept at least some aspects of the scientific theory of
evolution. Evolution is a scientific theory which is frequently misused to
support an atheistic philosophical mindset. It would seem that people
concerned with truth should deal with the misuses rather than try to
discredit the entire theory. The crucial challenge for Christians is to
fight against Satan, not the people the Lord sent us to preach the Gospel
to, and not against fellow Christians. Eph 6:12
>Yes. I am struck by the fact that the EC/TC Christians do not seem to
>make any allowance for the effect of Satan on materialist-naturalists'
Satan blinds those outside the household of faith. He also strives to make
Christians ineffective. To the extent that misguided YEC attacks on
evolution make them ineffective as evangelists, Satan must be having a
field day. I am not suggesting that anyone within Christianity is immune
to Satan's attacks. He has his special attacks for every individual, and
we are usually more able to see what he is doing to the other fellow than
what he is doing to us. All the more reason why we ought to uphold one
another in prayer, as well as observe the Lord's admonition in Jn 13:35
that we love one another.

Satan is a very real danger -- in fact the _only_ _real_ danger we face,
and I for one would be more than happy to participate in both discussion of
how he works and prayer that his plans may be frustrated. But we have to
realize that he doesn't play any favorites. He attacks YEC's as well as

Bill Hamilton | Vehicle Systems Research
GM R&D Center | Warren, MI 48090-9055
810 986 1474 (voice) | 810 986 3003 (FAX)