Re: Scientific theory

From: Bill Yates <>
Date: Tue Dec 07 2004 - 21:08:09 EST

Not to argue with you, Randy, as I believe in evolution in a Christian
context, but can you discuss a test of the theory of evolution which it
has passed, thus demonstrating for all to see that it has been
scientfically proven?


--Bill Yates

Randy Isaac wrote:

> "Evolution is not an experimental science. Is it? It uses science in
> the same way that forensic science uses experimental science. Evolution
> deals with unique, historical events--just like cosmology....
> Moorad"
> Scientific methodology depends a great deal on testability and
> falsifiability. String theory is an example of a theory that doesn't
> yet meet that criterion and is therefore often seen as something other
> than true science. In Brian Greene's TV presentation last year on
> string theory, one scientist opined that "there are physicists and then
> there are string theorists". In today's NYTimes, the Science Times
> section had a major article on string theory which included this quote:
> "This disparity between theoretical speculation and testable reality has
> led some critics to suggest that string theory is as much philosophy as
> science...." Personally, I favor loop quantum gravity, but that's not
> testable either at this point. I just prefer its philosophy.
> In sharp contrast, the theory of evolution is very testable and
> falsifiable, and meets all the tests that I know of for being a bona
> fide scientific theory.
> Randy

--Bill Yates
--CD Reviewer, Webmaster,
--Editor,'s Believer's Weekly
--Theron Services: Web Design, Editing, Writing
Received on Tue Dec 7 21:10:43 2004

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