The Yecs are coming!

From: Either Carol or John Burgeson <>
Date: Wed Dec 01 2004 - 17:10:06 EST

According to the last national geographic, 44% of all Americans believe
that humanity was created ex-nihilo within the last 10,000 years. That
percentage has not changed appreciably in 5 surveys over the past 20
years. What has changed is that the yahoos are gaing political muscle.

"The movement is to get the truth out. We Christians have as much right
be involved in politics as evolutionists. We've been asleep for two
generations, and it's time for us to come back."
-- Patricia Nason of the Institute for Creation Research, which supports
watering down the discussion of evolution in textbooks by including
information about "creation science." Nason says her organization and
activist groups are encouraging people who share conservative religious
beliefs to seek positions on local school boards.

Received on Wed Dec 1 17:25:22 2004

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