Re: Jesus' Wide and Profound Effect Upon Humanity

From: Don Winterstein <>
Date: Sat Oct 23 2004 - 06:12:01 EDT

ED: ...Muslims argue that a single man, Mohammed, was contacted =
God, and his disciples were inspired to take his holy teachings =
If there was no such miracle, then how do you explain the devotion of
Muslims, and the fact they grew to become a world religion, even taking
over Northern Africa a former Christian stronghold....=20

Don: Could it perhaps have had something to do with military conquest? =
In the translator's forward of my copy of the "Glorious Koran," =
Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall (a fervent Muslim) says: "The number of =
[military] campaigns which [Mohammed] led in person during the last ten =
years of his life is twenty-seven, in nine of which there was hard =
fighting. The number of expeditions which he planned and sent out under =
other leaders is thirty-eight. He personally controlled every detail of =
organisation...." Muslims have seldom been shy about forcing their =
beliefs on others, through atrocities if convenient--and some of them =
still show that tendency. Having served time myself in the army, I'd =
have an awfully hard time looking up to a military man, one who's been =
intimately involved with all the atrocities common to battlefields, for =
spiritual enlightenment (--the Bible's King David being a possible =
exception). =20

As for the Mormons, I suspect their success has had as much to do with =
their professed attachment to Jesus as anything, along with their =
requirement that all their young men serve as missionaries. I've never =
heard that members of the early Christian church were required to serve =
two years as missionaries. Granted, the Mormon missionary work has had =
an effect; but the effect seems forced compared with the more =
spontaneous dynamic of early Christianity. =20

ED: ...Luke admits he was collecting stories, so we
have later theological views, and a partisan history lesson....=20

Don: After carefully considering the "we" passages in the Acts, I =
believe strongly that Luke accompanied Paul at least some of the time on =
his missionary journeys and hence that his witness is quite early. =
Furthermore, I see no need to read into this literature all the =
assumptions you make about changes over time in the nature of the =
message. Paul seems to have taken a long time to contemplate his =
conversion and message before he set out to spread the word (cf. Gal. =
1:11-18; 2:1), so I think it's particularly unlikely that his message =
would have changed so drastically with time. Many of his explicit =
comments from time to time on his own teaching strongly militate against =
any such variation in the message. =20

The variations you cite in the gospel stories are of course very much =
old hat and have given rise to much debate and speculation, but the =
conclusions you draw are not the only ones that may fit the data. I =
agree that the inconsistencies at the ends of the gospels detract from =
their credibility. On the other hand, the inconsistencies show that no =
one was forcing conformity, as was done with the Qur'an, and thus, I =
suspect, simply witness to the ordinary human inability to do accurate =
reporting from memory. =20

At the same time, If Jesus had not actually risen and shown himself, I =
cannot believe his inner circle would have had the motivation or the =
guts to make the robust and bold witness that, I believe, is at the very =
heart of Christianity. After all, these people, according to the gospel =
stories, were about as common and ordinary as people get, and pretty =
much devoid of personal ambition. Such people--unlike, say, Socrates' =
student, Plato--almost never become bold leaders under ordinary =
circumstances. Jesus' staying dead would have been an ordinary =
circumstance. What would have motivated them if Jesus had not risen? =
They would simply have drifted despondently back to their fishing boats =
or whatever. =20

ED: ...The Dead Sea Scrolls also mention that the
final judgment of the world was predicted to take place within a
generation of the Teacher of Righteousness' teaching or death. Again,
such expectations preceded Christianity.=20

Don: Yeah, lots of changes in emphasis occurred in the old-time =
religion between the period of the kings and the coming of Christ--most =
seeming to come during or after the Babylonian captivity. One of the =
big changes was the emphasis on a glorious afterlife. My interpretation =
is that Jesus recognized the truth in these concepts and promoted them. =
No way was he simply a harmonizer and promoter of extant theological =
beliefs. The power of his message always owed at least as much to his =
works as to his teachings. Without his works his teachings as we find =
them, say, in the gospel of John would have seemed simply peculiar and =
absurd and would have fallen to earth with a thud. =20

ED: ... The New Testament is older than the Old Testament was when the =
Testament was first written, and still no new revelations. =20

Don: That's what you think. New revelations don't necessarily come =
with thermonuclear explosions. God is Spirit, and his actions go =
undetected by skeptical eyes. =20


   ----- Original Message -----=20
   From: ed babinski<>=20
   To: Don Winterstein<>=20
   Cc:<> ; Glenn =
   Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 9:12 PM
   Subject: Jesus' Wide and Profound Effect Upon Humanity

   "Don Winterstein" =
<<>> writes:
>DFW: If Jesus had not risen, would his once-cowering disciples have =
>out boldly to spread the word and set the stage for Christianity to
>dominate the Western world? =20

   ED: Every international religious and political movement starts out
   small, with a few absolutely devoted and brave disciples. The =
   Ba'hai's were killed in droves, ten or twenty thousand. Today there's =
   million of them. The Mormons were driven out of entire states and =
   leader lynched, but they number over 11 million today. Even Sun Myung
   Moon spent time in a North Korean prison known for its high rate of =
   prisoners, yet miraculously survived and founded a church made out of
   discarded boxes on a peer in South Korea, that later grew to become =
   Unification Church and his financial empire that includes ownership of =
   Washingtion Times.

   Muslims argue that a single man, Mohammed, was contacted MIRACULOUSLY =
   God, and his disciples were inspired to take his holy teachings =
   If there was no such miracle, then how do you explain the devotion of
   Muslims, and the fact they grew to become a world religion, even =
   over Northern Africa a former Christian stronghold. (There are =
   Sunni Muslims in the world today, the second largest religious group =
   the world, -- right beneath Catholics which number a hundred million =
   and are the single largest religious group in the world. But then, the
   Catholics did have a five hundred year head start. See =

   for the numbers, which also shows that Jehovah's Witnesses outnumber
   Southern Baptists, though the Southern Baptists have been around =
   I guess the Southern Baptists just don't believe as sincerely or work =
   hard as the Jehovah's Witnesses at "witnessing.") =20

   Moreover, Biblical scholars have argued that we don't have the =
   words of the original apostles, we have what people wrote about them, =
   wrote about the early church, Luke admits he was collecting stories, =
so we
   have later theological views, and a partisan history lesson. Also =
   belief and expectations in a general resurrection of the dead and =
   judgment of the world preceded Christianity. That may have provided =
   spark for the story of Jesus' resurrection. Just look at Paul's =
   letters, the earliest N.T. documents, Thessalonians 1 and 2, and the
   expectations of the world's final judgment in them. Jesus' =
   is mentioned extremely briefly, what the very earliest Christians were
   enthusiastic about was the soon coming final judgment and general
   resurrection of the dead. While the earliest teachings of the =
   might have been merely that Jesus was exalted and glorified in heaven =
   God, but later the question of the story of how he explicitly got to
   heaven came up, and so the story arose about Jesus being raised in a
   "spiritual body" in 1st Cor., then the "empty tomb" story arose as =
   in the earliest Gospel, Mark (it was a typical motif in the ancient =
   to represent someone going to heaven, by simply having their body =
   then later in Luke and John, the body was made "flesh," the raised =
   eats, is touched before going to heaven, and people "see" him rising =
   there. =20

   Also note that the story grew in other ways as well, from Mark to
   Matthew/Luke and John. For instance in Mark a mere "young man" is at =
   empty tomb, and Mark mentions another "young man" who followed Jesus =
   his arrest, and had to flee away naked when the guards noticed him and
   tried to grab his clothing. The later threer gospels delete the =
   man" stories entire in exchange for one or two glorious "angels." =
   note the way Luke's "angel" changes the heavenly message delivered at
   Jesus' tomb, and think about why Luke's version of that message =
   from Mark and Matthew which both say that the raised Jesus "went =
   you, to Galilee, for there ye shall see him." Luke's angel doesn't
   mention that Jesus has gone before them to Galilee, because he has all =
   his risen Jesus appearances take place in Jerusalem. So he alters the
   message at the tomb so that it says nothing about where Jesus has =
   to" or that they will "see him THERE." Thinks about that change for a
   while and get back to me. =20

   Oh, and the Dead Sea scrolls mention a human judge in heaven appointed =
   God to judge the world, on a scroll written before Jesus' day. The
   Melchizadek scroll I believe. The Dead Sea Scrolls also mention that =
   final judgment of the world was predicted to take place within a
   generation of the Teacher of Righteousness' teaching or death. Again,
   such expectations preceded Christianity.=20


>As I've said before, you're not going to get any better objective
>verification for the validity of Christianity than this impact it had =
>world history. =20

   ED: I have written on that particular question: =20
   "Jesus' Wide and Profound Effect Upon Humanity"=20

>Yes, there were all kinds of messiness involved, all kinds of heresy,
>conflicts of all kinds--but the overriding effect historically was
>obvious. =20

   ED: It won't be "obvious" until somebody starts lightning =
   candles to light Jesus' way back to earth, because apparently he's =
   it. The New Testament is older than the Old Testament was when the =
   Testament was first written, and still no new revelations. =20

Received on Sat Oct 23 09:58:55 2004

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