RE: David Limbaugh at UNCW

From: Alexanian, Moorad <>
Date: Sat Oct 09 2004 - 18:25:03 EDT

Strange, when a woman is expecting and wants the child, she refers to him/her as her baby. However, if she does not want it, all of the sudden the unborn becomes a fetus. Just as the military uses the term to neutralize the enemy when it means to kill them. What a way to avoid one of the Commandments. God is not mocked.


It does not matter how the unborn was conceived; an abortion still extinguishes a life!


In the partial birth abortion, Bush considers the case when the mother's life is at stake. That is much more limited than the case concerning the mother's health. Any woman can say anything and it can be considered that her health is at stake.


I much prefer the "stupid" presidents like Truman, Reagan, Bush, than the smart asses like Clinton and Kerry. People who have an obsession since childhood to become presidents are dangerous since they want the presidency for the perks and the wrong reasons and not to actually do what the job entails.





From: []
Sent: Sat 10/9/2004 4:47 PM
To: Alexanian, Moorad
Subject: Re: David Limbaugh at UNCW

Moorad wrote: "I believe that Bush is much above Kerry in doing that--for
instance, the abortion issue, ... ."

Moorad -- I respect your opinion; I just think it's wrong. Here is why:

Bush favors a law which REQUIRES a 14 year old girl who, having been
raped by her father, to tell her father she will be aborting the
resulting fetus.

Bush favors a law which CRIMINALIZES a procedure which, in the last
stages of pregnancy, is necessary to save the mother's life. Both the
doctor and the patient can be prosecuted for saving the patient's life. I
think the attending nurses are also liable.

I don't for a minute think that Bush has ever considered these nuances to
the abortion laws he has signed. I don't think he thinks very deeply on
many issues.

Bush has many ties to the radical right. That may explain why he does not
engage his brain very often. See:


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