RE: My "Science and Faith" home page

From: Roberts, Joe <>
Date: Thu Jul 08 2004 - 12:10:26 EDT

Hi, I'm having a semi-pseudo manic episode, so please don't get upset by

gibberish below. Don't stress out trying to interpret, it's mostly just

association. This is a commentary on a particular sentence in the

of the Universe's creation. Robert Schneider's sentences from "Big Bang

the Universe" are in quotes.


A tight relationship feeling -- "Universe was compressed within a sphere
of radius

equal to one-hundredth centimeter", of which there must have been
invisible parts

relating to each other and deciding on what scale size to split up, with
attempts to

 make the division as simple and pure as possible, none of this
gerrymandering business.


Instinct says cut out the exaggeration, because depends on which needle,

figure -- "the size of the point of a needle," which is used by surgeons
for doing a

quick-fix adjustment. The sword of the Spirit.


Imagine being there with Jesus -- "of which that visible to hypothetical
observer was

far smaller than diameter of atomic nucleus", no telling what
particle/level of existence

it occurred at. Perhaps another universe within/without as in Men in


Weight/wait factors are related -- "and of which the entirety had a
density of 1090

kilograms per cubic centimeter" -- The 2 became one as the wall barrier
was broken,

so that the gateway becomes evident.


Intuitively obvious equivalent density "( 1075 tons per cubic
kilometer)." The gap

between a 27 year old and 75 is quite a lot. The youngsters have
practically no

concept of death, but they're still our allies.


Reasonable considering the circumstances -- "Its temperature at this
instant of

creation was an incredible 1032 kelvins (Silk, 2001, 108, 110)". -- 32,
38, 40

being the conclusion that our matter particles were one-with-Christ at
that moment.




-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Robert Schneider
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 8:49 AM
Subject: My "Science and Faith" home page


I have added two new essays to my "Science and Faith" home page, and
invite you to check them out:

    IV: Big Bang and the Universe Story

     V: Evolution for Christians


Bob Schneider
Received on Thu Jul 8 13:27:06 2004

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