AIG and Falwell join as partners

From: John W Burgeson <>
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 10:19:26 EST

Here is another chilling development, received from TFN.

*Text is taken directly from emails sent by Religious Right
groups. TheTexas Freedom Network does not edit the content for accuracy.

Falwell Confidential

Date: February 19, 2004
From: Jerry Falwell

If The Foundations Be Destroyed

Can present-day social clashes - such as homosexual marriage and
expression in the public square - be traced back to the foundations of
world in Genesis chapter 1? Ken Ham, the founder of Answers in
Genesis ( ), says they certainly can.
Mr. Ham's contention is that church leaders throughout the centuries have

consented to secular notions that counter the biblical account of
By doing so, these theologians and clerics have allowed the absolute
authority of the Bible to be challenged.

Since the foundations of biblical truth were allowed to be challenged,
subsequent generations have continued to venture further and further from
the Bible's dictates, choosing instead to follow social whims and

It is no wonder then that we find ourselves, as a nation, clashing over
social issues that were once non-issues when the Bible was revered as
ultimate truth by our churches, our schools and even by our government.

But our nation has turned its collective back on the Word of God.

Pollster George Barna recently found that four-of-every-ten people
in Christian discipleship programs believe that there is no such thing as
absolute truth. And only 44 percent of adults - and only 9 percent of
teenagers - said that they are certain of the existence of absolute moral

It's really no wonder that we are losing the battle on homosexual
and other critical cultural issues today.

Mr. Ham, speaking at Thomas Road Baptist Church on February 15, said the
reason for this is quite simple: we are today missing church leadership
recognizes the Bible as the absolute authority.

I know it's not a popular notion to believe in Satan - or an ultimate
for that matter - but the Apostle Paul warned in II Corinthians 11 that
Satan would use the same method that he used with Eve to convince us not
fully believe the word of God.

"He wants us to doubt the authority of the Word that will lead to
unbelief," said Mr. Ham.

He diagramed how bygone theologians began to accept evolutionary thought.

Initially, they said they could accept the conclusion that the earth must
millions of years old. They concluded that this was all right - that
doesn't affect the Bible in any way. But they had to subsequently
reinterpret the six days of creation. So they placed millions of years
long ages between the days of creation. So the day-age theory came
and then the gap theory which placed millions of years between the first
two verses of Genesis. And then theologians, now on an uncontrollable
slope, concluded that Darwinian evolution could be combined with biblical


When we compromise the ultimate truth of the Bible, chaos is the ultimate


"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Psalm

These church leaders who allowed the notion of evolution to be combined
with biblical teachings actually unlocked the door to undermine biblical
authority, Mr. Ham said.

The outcome is that many Americans, believing that the Bible's history to

be inaccurate, now disbelieve many other parts of the Bible. If one part
of it
can be challenged, why should the rest of it be believed?

It's a worthy question.

That's why it is so important to defend the Bible's ultimate truth. Mr.
Ham said that when increasing numbers of church leaders give up Genesis
as the
foundation for the Bible's absolute authority, our basis for right and
wrong is challenged. We can no longer effectively teach that marriage is

by God for one man and one woman.

"Because if you reinterpret the Bible's history, why not reinterpret the
Bible's morality?" he asked. "And don't we see that happening in this
culture? We see the increase in secular thinking. ... because we have
biblical authority."

Ultimately, the compromise of the church has led to the increasing
on the authority of the Word of God. Disbelief has swept through the
culture of England and we are not far behind.

Mr. Ham said the response of the church cannot be, "Trust in Jesus,"
because much of the world does not believe in the ultimate truth of the
anymore. Simply saying "trust in Jesus" is preposterous if people have
become convinced that the Bible is just another book.

That's where Answers in Genesis comes in. I believe this organization is

developing into one of the most important Christian ministries in the
They are now building a massive Creation Museum near the Cincinnati
International Airport, which will skillfully address the issues of
and further defend the foundations of the Bible.

Answers in Genesis is designed to help the church restore the authority
the Word of God and give the answers to evolutionary thought. Because of
this ministry, ministers across the nation can preach the Christian
to a culture that has been taught that the Bible cannot be trusted. The
organization is equipping the church with answers so that we can defend
faith and challenge the church concerning compromise.

Please visit their website ( ) to learn
moreabout their efforts. Mr. Ham hopes the result of this vital new
project is
a new reformation.

The time for this ministry is now because our politically-correct society

is sanctioning whatever social fad comes down the path. If we are to
alter the
present course of our nation it will be because - and only because - the
church daringly declares the foundational truths of God's Word that is
as pertinent to people today as it was when it was written.

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Received on Wed Feb 25 10:25:01 2004

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