RE: Kerkut

From: Dick Fischer <>
Date: Sat Feb 07 2004 - 12:39:02 EST

Glenn wrote:

>By the way, for anyone who might want to know what I do, one of the fields
>which my team discovered made the front page of the Houston Chronicle.
>Unfortunately, the web version doesn't have the picture of the spar, but
>this tells about Red Hawk spar which will produce the field we found.

Hey, oil crises over! If anybody could do it, I knew Glenn would :>). Now
I can buy that SUV I've always wanted, jettison this Honda Civic, turn my
thermostat up over 62 again, and give all these 1960's vintage sweaters and
caps to the Salvation Army! Think I'll celebrate with a good old Vasoline
rub down - large jar.

Just kidding. Keep up the good work.

Dick Fischer - Genesis Proclaimed Association
Finding Harmony in Bible, Science, and History
Received on Sat Feb 7 13:00:45 2004

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