Re: Who's Burden of Proof?

From: Dick Fischer <>
Date: Sat Nov 29 2003 - 13:19:06 EST

Steve Petermann wrote:

>If this is also an accurate statement of yours, you'd need to be able to
>defend why you think all these events are by-chance-alone. The real
>question with intelligent design is causation.

Just to throw a little mud in the game, let me add a possible third
force. Chance alone, or design alone, or even some of each, is not the
full sum of all available options. I have long advocated that we have
overlooked any impact of our environment as a possible direct cause of
favorable mutations. Nature selects, but is it possible that the effects
of nature can alter our genetic framework even before selection has a
chance to act?

I can give some examples, but the point is this. The either/or of design
or chance may be overly simplistic.

Dick Fischer - Genesis Proclaimed Association
Finding Harmony in Bible, Science, and History
Received on Sat Nov 29 13:21:41 2003

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