Re: Carbonate deposition (formerly oil, etc.)

From: Dick Fischer <>
Date: Fri Nov 28 2003 - 09:30:50 EST

Bill Payne wrote:

>Although I have in the past wandered back and forth between YEC and OEC,
>I now attempt to remain in the middle, with an admitted sympathy for YEC
>views. I feel that this "agnostic" approach to the data gives me a
>better shot at seeing the strengths/weaknesses of both sides. I feel
>even more strongly that we need each other with our opposing views to
>tease the best interpretations out of the data.

Wrestling between ID and TE might have value. Hashing and re-hashing
whether or not the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years and the earth
4.6 billion or whether the age is six to ten thousand, wastes the valuable
time of those who could better apply their finite brain power to issues of
far greater importance and are still open to debate. For those still
uncertain about earth age by now, a trip to any high school library and a
quick read through their geology text books should suffice.

Dick Fischer - Genesis Proclaimed Association
Finding Harmony in Bible, Science, and History
Received on Fri Nov 28 09:45:14 2003

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