Re: Four items of possible controversy

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Thu Nov 13 2003 - 11:05:50 EST

  • Next message: Steven M Smith: "Re: Declining water and oil"

    Blake came up with some highly interesting (to me) information when he
    posted, in part: "In a tangentially related note, George Soros has
    --...-- decided to spend whatever it takes to try to unseat George W.
    Bush in 2004. "

    The question I posed a few days ago citing Admanson as an example can
    just as well be posed using Soros.

    Soros is capable of swamping the political process -- he'd hardly miss a
    mere $! billion or so. Bush is amassing $$ at a great rate of course, but
    in the $100 million or so range. How much good will all these funds do as
    they pay to trivialize the television channels in the fall of 2004? How
    much MORE good would they do if applied to the real problems of the
    world? If Soros donates $1 billion, will that make the world a better

    For me, I never send a dollar to a political cause or candidate. I always
    think that dollar could do more towards the Kingdom of God (however
    defined) if it goes towards my church, of Habitat for Humanity, or any
    one of a great number of organizations which exist with a goal of helping

    Moreover, I am convinced that if I did send a dollar to a political
    candidate, that would be an immoral act on my part. I do not speak for --
    or to -- others, of course.

    I have not always followed my own advice.


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