Re: publishing e-books

From: Denyse O'Leary (
Date: Tue Nov 04 2003 - 08:00:09 EST

  • Next message: Dr. Blake Nelson: "Formation of the Kabala (was Re: the problem with concordance)" offers a list of e-book and e-publishing resources.

    Undoubtedly, some of this stuff is advertorial, but you can get a sense
    of what is involved.

    One comment, speaking as a publishing industry pro:

    Book publishing is an old industry. We solved most of our technical
    problems decades or centuries ago. Modern innovations are improvements
    that lead to savings in time, energy, money, and environment control.

    The ONE BIG PROBLEM is distribution. That problem cannot be solved
    simply by introducing new technology, though the Internet helps us a lot.

    Thus, when evaluating any publishing strategy, you need to ask yourself,
    how will this book be distributed?

    In other words, how will people find out about it? How will they receive
    it? How will they pay for it?

    Best wishes with your project,


    To see what's new in faith and science issues, go to
    My next book, By Design or By Chance?: The Growing Controversy Over the
    Origin of Life in the Universe  (Castle Quay Books, Oakville) will be
    published Spring 2004.

    To order, call Castle Quay, 1-800-265-6397, fax 519-748-9835, or visit (CDN $19.95 or US$14.95).

    Denyse O'Leary 14 Latimer Avenue Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5N 2L8 Tel: 416 485-2392/Fax: 416 485-9665

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