RE: Time

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Sat Sep 06 2003 - 13:30:27 EDT

  • Next message: Glenn Morton: "RE: MWH -- a different theological deduction"

    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: []On
    >Behalf Of Debbie Mann
    >Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 4:29 PM

    >If my parents hadn't had sex the night I was conceived - then they would
    >have had a different child. So how do I exist in multiple universes when a
    >variation so small effects my very existence?
    >I don't buy it.

    Hi Debbie, The reason you don't buy the possibility is that your scale is
    too small. The reason you could exist in multiple univeses is that all
    possible arrangments of matter have been carried out and now to build
    another universe, you must begin repeating the arrangements of matter in
    other universes. A simple case is the 3 sequences:


    These are all the possible arrangements of these letters. If you now try to
    make another 3 sequence, you simply must repeat the pattern. In the case of
    universes, the number of possibilities are much higher, say 10^118 different
    ways to arrange the matter. After that many universes, one must start
    repeating. Remember from my previous note to Blake, Inflation allows an
    almost infinitude of universes to be created, thus repetition must occur.

    So with your case of your parent's night of fun, with enoguh universes,
    there was an identical couple doing the same thing with an identical sperm
    and egg being joined, elsewhere, whatever elsewhere means.

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