Re: lame creation concepts

From: Steve Petermann (
Date: Thu Sep 04 2003 - 15:29:33 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Van Till's Ultimate Gap"

    George wrote:
    > I think that any one of us, standing at the counter in Mickey D's,
    believes and
    > feels that he/she can actually make a real choice about whether to get a
    Big Mac,
    > Chicken McNuggets, or something else. It takes a kind of dogmatic
    defiance to insist
    > that that sense of choice is really an illusion.

    My claim is that the basic presumptions of most scientists concerning the
    scientific method would preclude belief in free will no matter what our
    intuitive feelings are about it. One cardinal principal of the scientific
    method is repeatability and with it peer review(repeatability again). But
    what does this demand entail. It entails that we live in a mechanistic,
    unfree cosmos. If its mechanistic then it is repeatable. Now quantum
    theory puts a bit of a kink in this because of its indeterminism. However
    science is still looking to mechanical explanations(within mechanistic
    statistical limits), whether it be Newtonian mechanics or Quantum mechanics,
    its still mechanics. Whatever the case, science offers no room for
    freedom(in the common sense definition) for these mechanics. Even the
    indeterminacy of quantum mechanics is considered by most physicists as
    random or unguided.

    So if the dominant scientific view is that the cosmos is mechanistic,
    allowing the use of the scientific method, then to be consistent, its
    conclusion must be that humans are also inevitable, organic machines.

    & at a more theoretical level, the
    > kind of "loose-jointedness" in connections between events that both
    quantum mechanics
    > and chaos theory have revealed seems to give some room for both creaturely
    & divine
    > freedom of action without any need to think that the laws of physics are

    There is a difference here between the mundane and the divine. By most
    definitions the divine is not bound by the constrains of space-time. The
    means the divine does have a freedom that we who exist in space-time do not
    have. Now it may be(and I think there is) an open space to talk about human
    freedom and divine action via quantum processes, however, I don't see how
    that freedom can be explained in a science friendly manner where humans have
    a freedom, autonomous from God. Without God, humans are constrained by an
    unfree mechanistic cosmos.

    Steve Petermann

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "George Murphy" <>
    To: "Steve Petermann" <>
    Cc: "ASA" <>
    Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 12:33 PM
    Subject: Re: lame creation concepts

    > Steve Petermann wrote:
    > >
    > > George wrote:
    > > > There's a big difference between kenosis, which is the idea that God
    > > limits
    > > > God's own self, and the process concept that God is inherently
    > >
    > > Agreed.
    > >
    > > > With kenosis,
    > > > one says /inter alia/ that the existence of suffering &c in the world
    > > due to God's
    > > > decision to create a world which has its own integrity and relative
    > > autonomy -
    > > > Polkinghorne's "free process defence" - & that God pays the price for
    > > by sharing in
    > > > the suffering of the world, preeminently in the Incarnation.
    > >
    > > Seems to me, this notion of relative autonomy drives too much of a wedge
    > > between God and creation. The whole idea of free will is incredibly
    > > difficult to accommodate with our current scientific understanding. The
    > > only tact is to create a mind/body dualism that is not science friendly
    > > all. Standard theisms and process thought do this. Seems to me that
    > > freedom can only be a reasonable concept when it is framed within some
    > > of monism or mystical union with God(who is free).
    > Kenosis means that God refrains from exerting the kind of control of
    > that he could exert - in scholastic language, God exercises only his
    "ordained" & not
    > his "absolute" power. It's like a parent refraining from doing everything
    he/she could
    > to control a child so that the child can actually do some things and learn
    how to
    > function. But there is no external "wedge" that forces either God or the
    parent to act
    > (or not act) thus.
    > I think that any one of us, standing at the counter in Mickey D's,
    believes and
    > feels that he/she can actually make a real choice about whether to get a
    Big Mac,
    > Chicken McNuggets, or something else. It takes a kind of dogmatic
    defiance to insist
    > that that sense of choice is really an illusion. & at a more theoretical
    level, the
    > kind of "loose-jointedness" in connections between events that both
    quantum mechanics
    > and chaos theory have revealed seems to give some room for both creaturely
    & divine
    > freedom of action without any need to think that the laws of physics are
    > Shalom,
    > George
    > George L. Murphy

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