Re: Van Till's Ultimate Gap

Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 14:58:59 EDT

  • Next message: Debbie Mann: "RE: mathematical concepts"


    Given your logic of different kinds of numbers, zero may or may not exist.
    Then I wonder (as a sidebar), does zero really exist or just the concept of
    zero? If I have zero, do I have anything? Western civilization, including the
    Greeks, did not acknowledge or have the need for zero until "recent" history
    yet nothing is a very real concept that cannot be ignored forever. Does the
    acceptance of zero or the acceptance of irrational numbers change their
    existence/reality? Sometimes the simplest answer is the best answer.



    Quoting "D. F. Siemens, Jr." <>:

    > Sheila,
    > I have to agree with Moorad, not because of irrational numbers, but
    > because there are so many kinds of numbers. One line, the one commonly
    > noted, goes from integers to rationals to irrationals and imaginaries.
    > But there is also modular arithmetic with a completely different _kind_
    > of number in which negative and imaginary numbers do not occur. In
    > geometry, there is invention. Indeed, the evidence shows that Euclid
    > was
    > aware of the possibility of non-Euclidean geometries, which were only
    > rediscovered two millennia later. He separated common notions, which
    > must
    > be believed, from postulates, adopted for the system. One of the latter
    > provides that all right angles are equal. It is modern geometers that
    > lump all together as axioms. I can understand the view that some
    > calculi
    > are discovered, but some are invented as well.
    > Can human beings create? Certainly not _ex nihilo_, except perhaps in
    > the
    > purely intellectual realm. But they do produce what has never been
    > before. Seems to me that the production of the novel involves
    > creativity.
    > Dave
    > On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 10:03:21 -0500 (CDT)
    > writes:
    > > The Bible says that the simple things confound the wise - this would
    > > include
    > > mathematics. I do not believe that math is a creation of man - man
    > > cannot
    > > create. I believe that we discovered math and, like Debbie, find
    > > myself
    > > continually intrigued and amazed with the wonder of mathematics and
    > > our
    > > universe. Math is one of those wonderful things that furthered my
    > > belief in
    > > God. The simplicity and amazing complexity of pi are incredible.
    > > God is an
    > > awesome God.
    > >
    > >
    > > Quoting "Alexanian, Moorad" <>:
    > >
    > > > I believe mathematics is a creation of man and the fact that it is
    > > the
    > > > language that describes the physical aspect of nature successfully
    > > > corroborates that both man and nature are created by God.
    > > >
    > > > Moorad

    Sheila McGinty Wilson

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