Atheistic scientists are hiding the real truth

Date: Thu Aug 21 2003 - 18:24:14 EDT

  • Next message: Dr. Blake Nelson: "Re: Student perceptions re evolution"

    In a message dated 8/21/03 6:00:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

    > By which he means that they agree with him that evolution & Christianity
    > are
    > incompatible. I am always amused at the way in which atheistic scientists
    > are treated
    > as theologians when they express such views.


    In three volumes, the first published in 1994, the evolutionary psychologist,
    Kevin MacDonald presented extrensive evidence that Judaism is an evolutionary
    strategy. He was most recently cited 4 times in David Sloan Wilson's Darwin's
    Cathedral. No one has disproved his basic premise, though many have
    distanced themselves from his books because they are afraid of being called
    anti-Semitic, a label which has become almost meaningless since anyone saying anything
    about any aspect of Judaism is labeled an anti-semite. (e.g. mel gibson).
    I have argued here that Christianity fulfilled and did not abandon the Old
    Covenant. It remains for Christians to understand that Judaism IS an
    evolutionary strategy, that Darwinian evolution is completey compatible with Judaism and
    to work out the practical and profound implications for Christianity, since
    Christianity does fulfill and not abandon the Old Covenant.

    My attempt to kick start the inquiry into Darwinian evolution and
    Christianity here is represented by my paper True Religion (the one I offer to anyone who
    will take it) in which I present an evolutionary interpretation of two
    allegories in Genesis, one regarding personal religion (the self sacrifice as it
    originated in the Fall - a scientific universal - it appears in all the major
    religions) and the other communal religion (the allegorical source of
    Judaism's "evostrat").

    People like Dawkins are leading you completely away from religion but they
    don't take into account the fact that Judaism is an evolutionary strategy,
    because the social pressure is too great. That means many people will abandon
    Christianity in the face of atheistic challenges they cannot counter before
    appreciating its practical utility, a practical utility that is scientifically

    rich faussette

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