Re: Student perceptions re evolution

From: George Murphy (
Date: Thu Aug 21 2003 - 11:46:22 EDT

  • Next message: Jay Willingham: "Re: facts (was Re: Student perceptions re evolution)"

    Josh Bembenek wrote:

    > (Soap Box: My opinion is that those of you who have decided
    > that evolution is true would be better suited to pursue an attitude of
    > weaker/stronger brother towards young earth people rather than the
    > mockery/hostile approach often expressed here.) .....................

            Treating another Christian as a weaker brother or sister and avoiding offence is
    the right response - until that Christian insists that his or her scruples are normative
    and that the "weak" way is the only way to be a Christian. If another Christian
    believes that drinking alcohol is wrong and I have reason to think that drinking in
    their presence might lead them to sin, then I shouldn't drink when that person is
    around. But if that person insists that a real Christian _can't_ drink then the
    appropriate response is to pop open a can. Cf. Gal.5:2. The same principle can be
    applied to certain situations in evolution-creation discussions.

            However, those who actively promote anti-evolution under the banner of Christian
    truth, or who insist that a Christian can't accept evolution, are doing a great deal of
    damage to the church. They make the Christian faith look stupid to knowledgeable
    outsiders and they set young people up for a loss of faith when they do find out that
    there's a lot of evidence for evolution. Jesus words in Mt.18:6 are germane here. Such
    teachers have to be opposed actively - & of course honestly - & if they're "offended,"

    George L. Murphy

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