RE: Student perceptions re evolution

From: Josh Bembenek (
Date: Thu Aug 21 2003 - 09:04:39 EDT

  • Next message: Josh Bembenek: "Re: Student perceptions re evolution"

    "I've argued for years that this problem is more about bad theology than
    about bad science. It is therefore the churches who need to stand up to the
    issue and say somthing. But then it comes down to the general public,
    churched or not, not having much interest in science, so your basic preacher
    doesn't see the need to spend any time on the topic?"

    -I wouldn't necessarily advocate that. Preachers are trained primarily as
    theologians and bible scholars and I beleive an extremely conservative view
    of origins is quite common among those communities, for example here at DTS
    from what I've heard from people. The real issue is finding folks people
    trust as knowledgable of the bible who also have a good understanding of
    science. That isn't an easy task.


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