Re: The multi-universe

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Sat Aug 09 2003 - 11:19:36 EDT

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Re: Sin?"

    Grasse wrote:

    >While there are sophisticated mathematical models
    >that might predict the existence of multiple universes, as there have
    >been for multiple dimensions, it is not clear that we could ever have
    >empirical knowledge of these other universes.

    Glenn wrote, in reply:

    "I would quibble with this. It is very clear to me that there are two
    which, in principle could be done, both involve quantum computers and
    would give *empirical* evidence of the multiverse ala Everett. "

    Glenn, I don't disagree with your quibble. I encourage you to write an
    article for MetaNexus in reply, defending your arguments. Grassie is very
    receptive to such contributions; he has "published" three of my own in
    the past two years.

    My own quibble with Grassie centers around the "quantum suicide"
    experiment. Surely, if successful, for the person performing it, and
    presumably for many in his particular reality, the experiment would both
    confirm the concept and provide empirical evidence of another (albeit
    very similar) universe.

    John Burgeson (Burgy)

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