Re: thought experiment

From: John Burgeson (
Date: Sat Mar 22 2003 - 18:20:38 EST

  • Next message: Michael Roberts: "Re: test questions-old topic"

    >>I think this needs fleshed out a bit more to clarify your scenario. Are
    >>you assuming that some supporting evidence is presented? If so, it would
    >>seem worthwhile for the physics Nobel committee to look into. Relevance
    >>for the peace prize would depend on whether he wanted to distribute these
    >>to any in need or if he was offering the highest bidder the chance to set
    >>this up and then nuke everyone else with impunity. >>

    OK. Let's also assume that (1) Dr. X. presents all sorts of data and words
    relating to his search within the ID paradigm. (2) He also quite freely
    admits that his discovery was made accidently, much as Fleming's discovery
    of penicillin. (3) He also has published the requisite methodologies so that
    anyone (with $10,000) can buy the needed materials and make his own shield.

    You are on the nobel prize committee. Do you vote for him or not? If not --
    what is your basis?


    >From: "bivalve" <>
    >Reply-To: <>
    >To: "John Burgeson" <>
    >Subject: thought experiment
    >Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2003 16:42:51 -0500
    > >A Gedanken experiment might be helpful here. Suppose an ID scientist,
    >let's call him Dr. X, working from ID concepts and such, predicts some sort
    >of "force field" which is (a) inexpensive to set up, (b) does no damage to
    >anything, and (c) inhibits atomic reactions. For $10,000 (say), any large
    >city in the world can be protected forever from an atomic explosion.<
    > >Would you vote Dr. X. the Nobel peace prize? Or not? On what basis?<
    >I think this needs fleshed out a bit more to clarify your scenario. Are
    >you assuming that some supporting evidence is presented? If so, it would
    >seem worthwhile for the physics Nobel committee to look into. Relevance
    >for the peace prize would depend on whether he wanted to distribute these
    >to any in need or if he was offering the highest bidder the chance to set
    >this up and then nuke everyone else with impunity.
    > Dr. David Campbell
    > Old Seashells
    > University of Alabama
    > Biodiversity & Systematics
    > Dept. Biological Sciences
    > Box 870345
    > Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0345 USA
    >That is Uncle Joe, taken in the masonic regalia of a Grand Exalted
    >Periwinkle of the Mystic Order of Whelks-P.G. Wodehouse, Romance at
    >Droitgate Spa

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