Re: BIBLE/ORIGINS: seeking feedback

From: Jan de Koning (
Date: Mon Jan 27 2003 - 10:17:01 EST

  • Next message: Jan de Koning: "Re: Calvinistic Epistemology"

    At 09:58 AM 25/01/2003 -0700, John Burgeson wrote about inerrancy. It
    strikes me that in most of these discussions people forget that God (in the
    Bible) in a language they understood. In the first place our concept of
    "truth" is different from what is often called "truth" in the Bible, but
    more importantly, at the time the Bible was inscripturated people had
    another culture, another language, another way of living, etc.. To expect
    that what we call "truth" in scientific sense (if there is unity on that)
    and in biblical sense is the same, does not take into account the
    differences when we talk about issues, is in my opinion really
    un-scientific. Many people who take the Bible to be God's "inerrant" Word,
    take into account the culture, language etc. of the people God used when
    the Bible was first written. It does not make any sense that God would
    talk to the Israelites in 21st century scientific language.

    I do believe that the Bible is God's Word, and that studying it life long
    does not clarify all difficulties we find in translating, copying,
    understanding etc., but if we take ourselves as the judge of what is
    acceptable in the Bible we are on a dangerous road.

    Jan de Koning

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