RE: Did Jesus know the genetic code?

From: Alexanian, Moorad (
Date: Sat Dec 14 2002 - 18:00:52 EST

  • Next message: Robert Schneider: "Re: Does the Bible teach a flat earth?"

    I am not sure I quite understand. If Jesus was just like us, can I
    also appeal to God just as He did? ---"Or do you think that I cannot
    appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than
    twelve legions of angels? Matt 25:53.


            -----Original Message-----
            From: Michael Roberts []
            Sent: Thu 12/12/2002 4:42 PM
            To: George Murphy;
            Subject: Re: Did Jesus know the genetic code?

            My sentiments exactly.

            My point is that God becoming Man involved becoming as
    ignorant as a baby.
            Hence a wonderful Saviour who is like us yet is divine.

            ----- Original Message -----
            From: "George Murphy" <>
            To: <>
            Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 4:15 PM
            Subject: Did Jesus know the genetic code?

    > The question posed in my subject heading is, on one level, as
    > reasonable as "Did
    > Jesus know that the earth was round?" If one claims that,
    because he
    > was the Son of God
    > he must have known that the earth was round then he must have also
    > know that it isn't
    > exactly spherical, its quadrupole, octupole &c moments as
    well as the
    > genetic code, the
    > details of nuclear fusion &c.
    > There is no compelling reason to make such a claim - & also
    > no drop-dead
    > argument to reject it. I belive that the divine kenosis
    should be taken
    > complete seriousness, that God Incarnate lived a human
    life under the
    > conditions of
    > finite humanity in 1st century Palestine, & that limitation of
    > knowledge was part of
    > this. Some NT texts (Mk.5:30 & 13:32, Lk.2:52) point
    rather explicitly in
    > direction. OTOH, he was (& is) God Incarnate & when all is said and
    > done, we don't have
    > access to the inner workings of his mind.
    > That's "on one level," the theological. On the purely
    > historical level there's
    > nothing impossible about Jesus having known the shape of the earth -
    > & even its size -
    > found by Greek science. There was a strong presence of hellenistic
            culture in
    > Palestine, & we simply don't know how much familiarity with it Jesus
    > had. OTOH we have
    > no indication in the gospels that he ever gave any thought to the
    > shape of the earth,
    > nobody trying to trap him by asking, "Rabbi, is the earth
    round or flat"
    > So the question about Jesus' views on the shape of the earth
    > may be like asking
    > what I think is the world's greatest soccer team. I've never given
    > any thought to it,
    > don't know, & don't very much care.
    > Shalom,
    > George
    > --
    > George L. Murphy

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