Not challanging scualrism of science

From: James Mahaffy (
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 16:31:09 EDT

  • Next message: gordon brown: "Re: Noahic Covenant"


    In a recent post (Wed Jul 17 2002 - 08:23:49 EDT ) Michael Roberts
    stated that,
    > Despite having received stuff from ICR for over 25 years I have yet to see
    > anything of any competence coming from that stable.

    > I can understand the frustration of many scientists over creationism and
    > consider the over the top responses to be largely the fault of creationists,
    > who make it very difficult to have a reasoned discussion on Christianity and
    > Science. Creationsits do the cause of the Gospel incredible damage

    First let me concede Michael point that poor science among many YEC has
    done the Gospel damage. But in this country (less so in Britain), the
    lack of effective challenge of the secular roots of our science has I
    think been a serious weakness of mainstream evangelical scientists. In
    my view it has resulted in a perception among mainstream Christian laity
    the evangelical scientists have really compromised the Gospel and
    encouraged their looking to alternatives like YEC.

    Mind you I think in the last couple decades this has been less true of
    the ASA then perhaps was the case in the past - but I think the
    perception (which may be different than the reality) is still there.

    Two related thoughts:

    Although they both have weaknesses some of the more effective challenges
    to the world view of our science have come from philosophers like Alvin
    Plantinga or lawyers like Johnson (who at least read some good secondary
    sources) and not from within the science community.

    When paleontology (my area) was ripe for change from a paradigm of
    gradualism, why did it take someone with a Marxist perspective (Gould)
    to challenge the paradigm.

    But then am I any different? I hesitate to let my name be broadcast as
    someone who sees some difficulties with the current neoDarwinain
    synthesis. My excuse may be that I do not want my name identified with
    groups that as Michael state often do poor science or maybe I don't like
    being categorized - or maybe I and too many others are afraid to stand
    out as being different.

    James and Florence Mahaffy    712 722-0381 (Home)
    227 S. Main St.              712 722-6279 (Office)
    Sioux Center, IA 51250

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