RE: Science verifies religion and love

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Fri Jul 05 2002 - 09:08:43 EDT

  • Next message: Robert Schneider: "Re: Lot and his daughters"

    To Blake,

    I am not going to respond to everything. I will lay out my position.

    One most assuredly can use the scientific method to see what is false in
    theological claims which leave an observational footprint. If one finds,
    scientifically, that the claim of this or that event is false, then one can
    proceed to doubt the theological claim. If the event is verified, then
    science is consistent with the theological claim, i.e. the claim can't be
    shown false. Verification doesn't 'prove' anything, either for the religion,
    or for the theological claim. But then neither does verification of some
    aspect of a scientific theory in science 'prove' the theory. Theories, like
    theological claims, can't be 'proven'--they can only be verified. But like
    in science when falsification of the theory occurs, the theological claim
    can be rejected if the observable footprint is disproven.

    We follow this procedure when evaluating religions like Mormonism, Hinduism
    etc. and we do it here on this list with the likes of YEC etc. There is no
    scientific data to support these views so they are false and most likely the
    theological claims are as well. That is what I mean when I say that science
    can be used to verify claims.

    If you can't understand the above then I am sorry but it is as clear as I
    can make it and I will defend this approach. To do otherwise is to cut
    religion loose from all connection to reality or rationality.

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