Objections to concordism

From: Terry M. Gray (grayt@lamar.colostate.edu)
Date: Sat Apr 27 2002 - 12:46:33 EDT

  • Next message: Jim Eisele: "Re: Adam and Eve"


    This debate has been raging pretty much unchanged at least since the
    rise of modern geology in the 1800's. The arguments are well-worn and
    there is hardly anything new in the discussion. Even material similar
    to Dick Fisher's work has been advanced by others many years ago. The
    reasons for not achieving consensus are many and complex and related
    to many "meta" things.

    For example, you and many others believe that Genesis 1 accurately
    reflects modern scientific descriptions especially in terms of
    chronology. Others of us don't. Why we don't see eye to eye is not so
    clear. Those of us who don't accept this congruence have explained
    this in various articles. Why you don't see it and we do is a mystery
    to me (obviously you feel the same way about your/our perspective).

    One position that is one of three prominent viewpoints in my church
    circles (conservative Presbyterianism in English speaking countries)
    is what is called the "framework view". (The other views are 24 hour
    days and day-age--a link to the discussion in the Presbyterian Church
    of America is at
    http://www.asa3.org/ASA/topics/Bible-Science/PCA-Report2000.html .) I
    will give you some links to some on-line articles and point you to
    some other writings that you might get access to. This view takes a
    literary view of Genesis 1 based on internal arguments (usually its
    advocates take a more historical/chronological approach to the rest
    of Genesis. Professor Meredith G. Kline, Professor of Old Testament
    at Gordon-Conwell Seminary and Westminster Seminary in California has
    been one of the most scholarly advocates of this view.

    Please check it out. Here are the references:

    Articles by Meredith G. Kline:

    Articles by Kline's "student" Lee Irons explaining Kline's views:

    Lee Irons' web site with several articles explaining this viewpoint:

    Books referred to in the previous articles

    H. Blocher, In the Beginning (Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1984)
    C. E. Hummel, The Galileo Connection (Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1986)
    N. H. Ridderbos, Is There A Conflict Between Genesis 1 and Natural
    Science? (Grand Rapids, 1957)


    >I'd like to make a few observations
    >A) I've been on the list for more than two months. It is much
    > more intense now.
    >B) Discussion/Debate/Heated discussion/heated debate regularly
    > revolves around Gen 1.
    >C) I get the feeling that some people desperately cling to old
    > ideas.
    >D) This is called living in the past.
    >E) If you don't change, life will pass you by.
    >F) God always will find people to advance the truth.
    >G) Will the ASA be those people?
    >H) Devastating evidence has been brought forth that Gen 1 is
    > real history. A very recent post talked about odds of 1 in
    > 40 million that it wasn't. I calculate the odds as more like
    > 1 in 5 quintillion.
    >I) Even some people who back Gen 1 as real history are wrong in
    > some places. Peter Ruest doesn't approach the issue fully
    > correctly. Neither does Dick Fischer. But, I guess both of
    > them are "too big" to see their own shortcomings. If given
    > the opportunity, I fully intend to begin pointing these
    > shortcomings out.

    Terry M. Gray, Ph.D., Computer Support Scientist
    Chemistry Department, Colorado State University
    Fort Collins, Colorado  80523
    grayt@lamar.colostate.edu  http://www.chm.colostate.edu/~grayt/
    phone: 970-491-7003 fax: 970-491-1801

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