RE: Fish/Tetrapod transition: was A matter of trust?

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Sun Apr 21 2002 - 11:43:01 EDT

  • Next message: Guy Blanchet: "Re: Oppressive YEC"

    Michael wrote of the fish/tetrapod transition evidence:

    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: []On
    >Behalf Of Michael Roberts
    >Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 1:44 PM

    >Why cant everyone accept this? What is the problem?

    The reason is exactly the same tendency that has been illustrated here on
    the topic of bear sacrifice. The only way the widely held conservative
    apologetical posistions can be held is by ignoring the contradictory data.
    If one has to ignore the contradictory data without simply not mentioning
    it, then one can doubt any and all conclusions which can be rationally drawn
    from the data.

    I have seen the anti-evolutionists question the following:

    No matter how many fossils are placed in the gradual transitional sequence,
    they doubt that it is enough. Indeed with each additional fossil one
    additional gap appears!

    They claim that there are no transitions, speak only of ichthyostega or
    acanthostega, and ignore Sauripterus, Livonia multidentata, Elginerpeton,
    Obruchevichthys,Hynerpeton, and Densignathus rowei. And they ignore the
    similarities between Elginerpeton and ventastega and Greerepeton among the
    earliest amphibians.

    They have doubted the connections between the various animals, since they
    are not found on the same cliff face, each in the act of both conceiving and
    birthing the next one. (I wonder what that would look like!)

    They have doubted evolution's ability to cause the change.

    They have doubted the researchers veracity.

    They have pointed to the shoulder girdle of Ichthyostega and claimed that it
    was amphibian-like and not fish-like and thus not transitional, ignoring the
    lineage leading to that position and ignoring the fact that it isn't a fully
    developed shoulder blade being unable to support the full weight of the

    They have cited the irrelevant coelacanth as proving that fish couldn't give
    rise to amphibians.

    They ignore the fact that there were animals with both lungs and gills,
    which is a truly transitional feature!

    They have pointed out that the earliest fully formed amphibians don't look
    like fish and thus couldn't have come from them, ignoring that when the
    process is complete, there shouldn't be the close similarities.

    As I said to another fellow, doubt is easy. We have holocaust deniers, we
    have people who doubt the government's explanations of UFOs, we have YECs
    who doubt every fact of science, we have Geradus d'Bouw, another YEC, who
    doubts heliocentricity, we have the example of many arabic peoples who doubt
    Bin Laden was behind the 911 attack preferring instead to blame the Mossad.
    Yes, we can always have doubt if we don't like the obvious conclusion. And
    we can make those doubts sound so noble. We have people who will ignore good
    evidence for animal sacrifice prior to 7000 years because it would destroy a
    preferred theory.

    And we have people who will doubt the transition no matter what evidence you
    put in front of them because it violates a higher priniciple (e.g. Vernon),
    that the data can't be true because of his interpretation of the Bible. The
    silly thing is that they think they look so smart when they pretend to
    discuss evidence which means nothing to them because of the higher 'truth'
    they hold to.

    Yes, whatever we don't want to agree with play the DOUBT GAME. It will get
    you out of any intellectual difficulty.


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