RE: How and when did we become "men"?

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Fri Apr 19 2002 - 11:18:33 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: How and when did we become "men"?"

    Shuan writes

    >>A)Where is your Biblical proof that Adam is the first human?

    >Genesis 2:7, I guess. The overwhelming majority of Jews and Christians
    >through the centuries have interpreted the verse to mean that Adam was the
    >first human. As I am sure you know, Dick's interpretation, although
    >interesting, is a minority opinion

    Gen 2:7 reads (NASB) "Then the LORD God formed man of dust from
    the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and
    man became a living being."

    Well, Shuan, this clearly refers to Adam the individual - the
    guy who lived in Eden by the four rivers in Gen 2:8-14. As to
    what people thought in the past, um, that's irrelevant considering
    that we have more knowledge now. As to Dick's interpretation
    being in the minority, well, at one time so was the thought of
    a round earth.

    >In short, take a chill pill.

    I'm gonna choose to ignore this.


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