Re: YECs and the Big Bang.

From: Howard J. Van Till (
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 16:18:03 EDT

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: cosmology & polygamy"

    >From: "John (Burgy) Burgeson" <>

    > "You may have seen those white on black billboards with their (usually
    > legalistic) messages signed "God". One of them in this area a while ago had
    > God's message as "Big Bang? You've got to be kidding!""
    > Somewhere recently (it may have been on this LISTSERV, but was more likely
    > in one Of Howard's books) I read that the "Big bang" was more of a
    > "blossoming out" than an explosion. That picture of it is a lot more
    > satisfying to me.
    > Thinking about it I am almost sure it was in PORTRAITS OF CREATION, but may
    > have been in a section not written by Howard.

    It's in my chapter on "The Scientific Investigation of Cosmic History," p.

    "But the big bang of which cosmologists speak is not at all like a
    destructive or disordering explosion. Quite the contrary; the initial rapid
    expansion of the universe is a constructive process that sets the stage and
    prepares the players for the historical drama that is to follow. Perhaps
    this primordial episode should be renamed. Instead of "big bang" we might
    call it the "grand opening," or "act one" of the drama of cosmic history.
    Or, to try a different metaphor, the first episode is not to be compared
    with the boom of a nuclear bomb in wartime, but with the bloom of a flower
    blossom in springtime. These metaphors may fail to have the dramatic appeal
    of a big bang, but they more faithfully convey the idea that coherence,
    integrity, order, and structure are developed, not destroyed, during the
    initial episode of cosmic history."

    Howard Van Till

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