RE: Claims Intelligent Design Scientists Author Bibliography Pape rs

From: Woodward Norm Civ WRALC/TIEDM (
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 14:55:35 EDT

  • Next message: Keith B Miller: "RE: Ramblings on a "High View" of Scripture"

    Let me be the last to cast doubt the intelligence or honesty of anyone "with
    the NCSE."
    But I will ask you again, what does ones stand on biological evolution vs
    creationism vs ID have to do with ones belief concerning the age of the
    earth, other than, obviously, a young earth evolutionist would have a lot of
    extra baggage to lug around?
    And as to the common ancestor issue, you, of course realize that the
    evolutionists have once again, shot themselves in the foot in this issue.
    When they make off-the-cuff claims that the DNA differences between man and
    chimps is so slight as to write off the differences between the two as being
    of environmental causes, they have successfully demoted the phenomena from
    macro-evolution to micro-evolution, thus putting themselves back to square
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dick Fischer []
    Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 2:23 PM
    To:; Michael J. Behe; Michael J. Behe; Skip Evans
    Subject: RE: Claims Intelligent Design Scientists Author Bibliography Papers
    Norm Woodward wrote:

    Dick Fischer wrote:

     It is of little wonder why the intelligent design movement seems to find it
    difficult to take positions on basic concepts like the age of the earth and
    descent with modification when their leading organization suffers so much

     I guess I am admitting more ignorance that I should, but does the ID
    movement take any position on the age of the earth? I thought their
    arguments concerned the complexity of micro-biology, and macro-evolution,
    not cosmology.

    Actually, Skip Evans wrote that. He is with the NCSE. However, I will
    offer a bit of commentary. If you know Behe's position, he believes in an
    old earth and even mutual shared common ancestry between humans and
    primates. I know, I asked him. He says not one word about his evolutionist
    beliefs in his book on ID. Why? Phil Johnson has no illusions about the
    age of the earth. Again, his books say nothing about it. Again, why?

    Simply put, creationists buy books. Why risk alienating them with the
    truth? It is just this duplicity coming from those who call themselves
    "Christian" that gets right up my nose.

    Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
    "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago"

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