Quick survey

From: John W Burgeson (burgytwo@juno.com)
Date: Fri Apr 05 2002 - 19:07:34 EST

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    This is a quick survey for anyone interested. I'm part of an eleven
    person committee planning a lecture series and at this time looking for
    likely candidates for 2004 and 2005.
    Responses to me off the LISTSERV to avoid clutter please. I'll summarize
    results later. I need comments by noon Sunday 4/7/2002.

    Which three of four of the following list of noteworthies would you be
    most likely to travel -- say -- 100 miles to hear? What comments about
    any of them would you like to make.

    Our last lecturer was Marcus Borg, who drew about 400 persons to hear
    him. We have also had Richard Niebuhr, Robert McAfee Brown, Walter Wink,
    John Spong and many others in the series which dates back to 1955. Name
    recognition and speaking ability are key factors -- also the capability
    of the speaker to offer spiritual growth to the audience.

    Ian Barbour
    Walter Bruggeman
    Walter Bube
    Stephen Carter
    Ted Davis
    Freeman Dyson
    Sally Geis
    David Ray Griffin
    James Haught
    Phil Johnson
    Ken Miller
    George Murphy
    Arthur Peacock
    Alvin Plantinga
    John Polkinghorne
    Huston Smith
    Daniel Taylor
    Howard Van Till
    Dana Wilbanks
    Ned Wright

    I'm limited to at most four nominations.


    John Burgeson (Burgy)

           (science/theology, quantum mechanics, baseball, ethics,
            humor, cars, philosophy and much more)

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