Naturalism a Religion?

From: Dick Fischer (
Date: Fri Mar 29 2002 - 20:54:54 EST

  • Next message: Preston Garrison: "Re: Brachiators On Our family Tree? (Common ancestry - direct evidence?)"

    Allen Roy wrote:

    >I don't think that Johnson needs for "naturalism" to explicity deny God in
    >order to be an established religion.

    Whoa pardner! Most Deists are naturalists, and certainly are not of the
    same religious belief as Atheists. Belief in natural causes for star
    geophysical calamities, or animal speciation is based upon empirical
    observation. It neither denies God nor affirms God. My God lives whether He
    actively participates at the junctures of the phyletic tree of life, or
    whether he
    prefers to take no part in it.

    Belief in natural causation is simply an element of one's overall belief
    I am a Christian who believes in the historical integrity of Genesis. We have
    Christians on this list who don't share that belief. But our religious
    belief is
    Christian even if we have differences in that particular aspect.

    To try to partition those who believe in naturalism into a fabricated
    "religion" is
    just one of the reasons I have a disdain for "Johnsonism," which is becoming
    a religion.

    Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
    "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago"

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