Re: What are the odds?....Or, a great and Mighty God

From: Troy Elliott Eckhardt (
Date: Fri Mar 22 2002 - 01:47:27 EST

  • Next message: Troy Elliott Eckhardt: "Re: YECs are "in contempt""


    I'll put my neck on the block

    If God wrote or allowed to be written a book of mamby-pamby slop which may
    or may not be true, which might give us a hint of truth shrouded in poetic
    license and allegory, or which was not preserved until the present day, I
    want no part of him or his book

    The answer to your question, as far as I am concerned, is that there is no
    reason for God to have written such a worthless compilation of chaos.
    Without faith in the inerrancy of the word of God (and the words of God, I
    add), there is no final authority - it's every man for himself, and good
    luck on your search for the narrow way that leads to life, if indeed it
    exists at all. I would either accept the entire Bible as literally
    intended, or throw it in the trash. I personally choose the former.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Don Perrett" <>
    To: "Asa@Calvin. Edu" <>
    Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 8:36 PM
    Subject: What are the odds?....Or, a great and Mighty God

    > If God's text is not
    > factual, and is only a parable to express the ideas he wants us to learn,
    > then how can anyone say for certain by what process God created the
    > universe.

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