A little mirth

From: Laurie Grover (laurie@asa3.org)
Date: Thu Mar 21 2002 - 14:37:28 EST

  • Next message: Woodward Norm Civ WRALC/TIEDM: "RE: geocentricism (was: ASA Perspective)"

    Dear All,

    With all the heavy discussion of late on creation and evolution my wife and I came across this little "story" in Country Magazine last night so I thought I'd send it out. Please don't have any long theological discussions on whether God can sweat or whether this little story does anything negative to the concept of God. Its intention is pure mirth and mirth alone and not an attempt to take any position on the creation and evolution controversy.

    A LONG, LONG time ago, God was mopping His brow after finishing a difficult task, relates Robert Schulz of Woodbridge, Connecticut. "Whew! I just made 24 hours of alternating light and dark," He said.

    A nearby cherub asked, "What are You going to do now?"

    God replied, "I think I'll call it a day."

    Don Munro
    Executive Director, ASA don@asa3.org

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