Re: Troy's two cents

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Sun Mar 17 2002 - 11:04:22 EST

  • Next message: Troy Elliott Eckhardt: "Re: Troy's two cents"

    Troy writes

    >e) I believe that the original autographs of scripture were inspired by
    >I believe that they are completely authoritative. I also believe that they
    >have been destroyed. Not one shred of any of it remains. If God did not
    >preserve his word, then he is a liar and a fruitcake, and I want no part of
    >him. (Psalm 12:6-7). If he did preserve his word, then it is here. Now
    >where is it? I have made my choice. If you don't like my choice, lump it,
    >or blow it out your ear for all I care.

    Troy, I see no constructive value in your last statement.

    Why would God have wasted the NIV, NASB, NKJV, RSV, etc. etc. etc. etc.
    etc. people's time? Not to mention all foreign translations.


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