geocentricism (was: ASA Perspective)

Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 21:04:45 EST

  • Next message: Terry M. Gray: "Because It Had Not Rained"

    Norm Woodward wrote:

    Using Eccl 1:5 would imply that anyone using the terms sunrise or
    sunset, including most almanacs editors, TV weathermen, and, I dare
    say, astronomers, must be a geocentrist at heart. That would be a hard
    contention to support.

    But Alan Harvey's point is that a literal reading of scripture and any
    discussion about the meaning of word usage at that time (as our fellow
    YEC brothers in Christ insist upon in reading the word YOM) would in
    fact require us to also insist on a geocentric universe if we are consistent.
    Indeed, we should also insist on a flat earth.

    What you _chose_ to believe in the end is your own decision, but at least
    let's be fair with one another. Consider that those of us who see ourselves
    to be serious scientist (AND Christians) have also given considerable thought
    to this issue. If in the end you don't agree with scientists who think
    is a viable means through which God can act in the world for your own
    reasons, then fine, we don't insist that you do. We do however insist that
    if you
    claim that this decision is based on _scientific evidence_ that you provide
    convincing support for your position and you show careful and thoughtful
    consideration of the opposing views.

    By Grace alone we proceed,

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