RE: Thanks for your encouragement

From: Don Perrett (
Date: Fri Mar 15 2002 - 15:14:21 EST

  • Next message: Woodward Norm Civ WRALC/TIEDM: "RE: ASA Perspective"

    Thanks for the encouragement.
    Salvation and belief in God and Christ is the final objective. It would seem
    that some are not concerned with bringing all people to an understanding of
    God. They would prefer to stand on a pedestal and say "come to us and see
    things our way or no way", rather than going to the non-believer and
    allowing them the chance to understand God from the non-believer's point of
    view. When one looks out at the youth of today and sees them turning to
    "real" cults, like new age, etc., I begin to wonder why they would chose
    such things. Youth go to school and hear one thing from teachers, go to
    church and see another, and sometimes at home hear yet another. How can they
    make a decision with so many unsupported views. This leads them to anything
    that makes them feel good for the moment or they use reasoning and find
    atheistic science the answer.
    So what's the answer?
    Do we continue insisting on traditional beliefs that are not supported
    and/or understood by today's youth?
    Do we make the conscious effort to explain God in a way that they might
    understand and agree with?
    Is this not the very technique which many claim was used by God in the
    start, by using language and cultural beliefs current to the people of the
    Don P

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jim Eisele []
    Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 8:45 AM
    To: Don Perrett
    Subject: RE: Thanks for your help

    Amen, again. You're doing far better than great. And don't
    think for half of a second that you are not getting people
    to think and "raising the bar" of the discussion.


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