Re: <no subject>

From: Howard J. Van Till (
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 12:53:24 EST

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: Marcus Borg"

    I had asked:

    > Why
    > should anyone expect that the biblical text, written 2 or 3 millennia ago,
    > would be consistent with all discoveries made since that time? Are these
    > underlying assumptions and expectations warranted, or do they deserve to be
    > candidly reexamined?

    Don Perrett responded:

    > For me, it's not a question of the Bible agreeing with science, rather it is
    > our science which must conform to the Bible.
    > Just my view.

    OK, then, let me turn the question around to reflect your preferred order.

    Why should anyone expect that all scientific discoveries made since the
    writing of the biblical text, 2 or 3 millennia ago, would conform with every
    statement in that text? What underlying assumptions about the nature of the
    text would lead a person to have this expectation? Are these underlying
    assumptions and expectations warranted, or do they deserve to be candidly

    Howard Van Till

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