Proposed Modifications to Ohio Science Standards

From: Robert Schneider (
Date: Sat Mar 09 2002 - 21:25:29 EST

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        Here are some comments on other suggested modifications to draft indicators, usually appearing below the Explanations

    These are the current draft indicators (December 1, 2001) relating to "origins science" (the study of the origin and development/diversity of life on earth). The indicators as they now stand consider biological evolution as the only possible explanation in origins science. While the teaching of evolution is certainly appropriate, it is the exclusion of other possibilities that many Ohioans will find objectionable.

    Overall, most of the current language describing biological evolution can remain intact. Minor changes are needed, however, to ensure that (Darwinian) evolution is portrayed as a theory - not proven fact. Modifications are suggested that add language to (a) distinguish between microevolution and macroevolution, (b) state that evolution is a naturalistic theory, (c) make a distinction between empirical and historical sciences, and (d) include the alternative theory of intelligent design.

    Note: The page listed is where the indicator may be found on the "" website.


    Current draft indicator. Grade 10, Earth and Space Sciences #3, page 60. Know how the evolution of life on earth has changed the oxygen composition of the earth's atmosphere.

    Modified indicator. Know how the presence of life on earth has changed the oxygen composition of the earth's atmosphere.

    Schneider: the modified statement guts the meaning of the draft and at the same time is meaningless, because it does not offer an explanation for the change of oxygen composition. Students will still wonder why?


    Current draft indicator. Grade10, Life Sciences #2, page 63.Know that biological classifications are based on how organisms are related. Organisms are classified into a hierarchy of groups and subgroups based on similarities which reflect their evolutionary relationships. Species is the most fundamental unit of classification.

    Modified indicator. Know that biological classifications are based on how organisms are related. Know that organisms are classified into a hierarchy of groups and subgroups based on similarities in form and/or function. Know that species is the most fundamental unit of classification.


    The Linnaean classification system (which is still used to a large extent) was developed during the 18th century, long before the advent of Darwinian evolution. Thus it is inaccurate to say that classifications of organisms "reflect their evolutionary relationships."

    It is true that some modern (cladistic) methods seek to develop classifications based on evolutionary relationships. Cladistic taxonomy is troublesome in practice, however. For example, Richard Dawkins (The Blind Watchmaker, 1996, p. 284) says "it is difficult to pin down the precise identity of ancestors, and there is a good case for not even trying to do so."

    Schneider: a biologist is more competent than I to respond to this. But I think the explanation is misleading and what is said about cladistics is even more misleading. Phylogenetic (cladistic) classification is well advanced and the Dawkins' (anti-evolutionists' favorite devil) out-of-context statement obscures this fact. The current draft is far more accurate than the modified one.


    Current draft indicator. Grade 10, Life Sciences #19, page 65. Know that biological evolution is a change in gene frequency in a population over time.

    Modified indicator. Know that biological evolution may be defined as a change in gene frequency in a population over time. Know that evolutionary theory posits that microevolution (minor genetic variation within a population) over long periods of time results in macroevolution (descent with modification from a single common ancestry).


    The statement that biological evolution is a "change in gene frequency" requires clarification. A change in gene frequency would seem to be microevolution, the normal genetic variation within a population. Macroevolution, or Darwinian evolution, would require modification of existing genes (by forming new combinations of existing genes or by mutation of genes). The Standards need to make a distinction between microevolution, which is well-supported experimentally, and macroevolution, which is ultimately based on similarities rather than experimentation.

    Schneider: Changing "is" with "may be" in sentence one falsifies the fact that biological evolution IS so defined. The change is an assault on science's right to define its terms, which, of course, is what the ID proponents are up to.


    Current draft indicator. Grade 10, Life Sciences #20, page 65. Analyze how natural selection and its evolutionary consequences provide a scientific explanation for the diversity and unity of all past life forms as depicted in the fossil record and present life forms.

    Modified indicator. Analyze how natural selection and its evolutionary consequences may explain the diversity and unity of all past life forms as depicted in the fossil record and present life forms. Know that natural selection does not explain the origin of life itself, and that biological evolution is a naturalistic theory that specifically excludes design from consideration.


    The word "may" is added to emphasize that evolution is a theory. Students should know that natural selection can only operate after life has originated. Students should also know that a basic assumption of evolutionary theory is methodological naturalism, the principle that design (teleology) plays no role in the origin or diversity of life. Naturalism is a reasonable assumption for empirical sciences like chemistry and physics. There is considerable debate, however, as to whether or not naturalism should be employed in historical sciences like cosmology and origins science. Since biological evolution assumes naturalism as a precondition, this needs to be disclosed and explained to students.

    Schneider: Change of "may" for "is" in the modified is the same offence cited above. The second sentence is half true and misleading. True, natural selection does not explain the origin of life itselt, but it doesn't claim to. The rest of the setence is also misleading. Biological evolution recognizes design of a sort but it is internal design arising from all of the elements (chance, natural selection, other forms of change); an internal rather than an external teleology. And the phrase "naturalistic theory" is an ID "wedge" term; I think it is hardly accurate to say (Explanation) that there is "considerable debate as to whether naturalism should be employed in historical sciences like cosmology and origins sciences." There is certainly overwhelming consensus in the scientific community to the contrary. And "origins science" is a creationist term.


    [Text erased]


    Current draft indicator. Grade 12, Life Sciences #7, page 88. Know other mechanisms for evolutionary change, including genetic drift, immigration, emigration, and mutation.

    Modified indicator. Describe these proposed mechanisms for evolutionary change: genetic drift, immigration, emigration, and mutation.


    This indicator seems to appear out of context. The word "other" implies that the indicator is making a contrast with something else, probably "natural selection" (Grade 10, Life Sciences #23 and #24). A minor wording change is recommended to help the indicator stand better on its own.

    Schneider: Was anyone with a background in evolutionary biology writing these modifications? The Current indicator is correct and the Modified is wrong. To the writer of the explanation, I would say that there is no "probably" about it. What the current indicator means is that in addition to natural selection other mechanisms for evoltuonary change, etc.... the Modified's use of "proposed mechanism" obscures the fact that these other elements are now part of the picture, which the Current seeks to convey. Perhaps this clarification in the Current would help

    Current draft indicator. Grade 12, Life Sciences # 12, page 88. Know how the evolution of life has changed the physical world over geological time.

    Modified indicator. Know how the presence of life has changed the physical world over geological time.


    These indicators are very similar in nature, and both assume that (Darwinian) evolution has occurred. It is the presence of life, not its evolution, that has changed the physical earth over time.

    Schneider: The Current offers an explanation; the Modified says nothing.


    Current draft indicator. Grade 12, Life Sciences #15, page 89. Know that ecosystems always change when climate changes or when one or more new species appear as a result of migration or local evolution.

    Modified indicator. Know that ecosystems always change when climate changes or when one or more new species appear as a result of migration, local evolution, or another mechanism.


    This indicator assumes that migration and evolution are the only mechanisms for the appearance of new species in an ecosystem. The modified wording allows for other mechanisms to be considered (such as intelligent design).

    Schneider: Need I say more?

    Bob Schneider

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