Re: Response to: What does the creation lack?

From: George Andrews Jr. (
Date: Mon Nov 26 2001 - 13:20:34 EST

  • Next message: James Mahaffy: "Nifty looking hominoid fossil site from Spain."

    Hi Moored:

    Moored Alexanian wrote:

    > Howard, the difficulty with your three points is that it is true that if one
    > rolls a die and the outcomes are truly random and if the outcomes 1,2, 3,
    > and 4 are for the house (Casino) and 5 and 6 for the players, then the
    > outcome is in favor of the house over many rolls. The trouble is that if
    > one applies that to the whole of Creation then the death of an individual
    > person is a matter of the odds and can have no other significance. I thought
    > God knew even the number of hairs in our heads??? Moorad

    This ignores the role of the "landscape"; i.e. if upon rolling a 6, one takes
    over ownership
    of the casino, then a 6 opens up a whole new landscape for prosperity for the
    gambler in that the gambler now becomes the recipient of the favourable odds.
    In nature, self organized criticality plays such a role in that a system
    bifurcates into a realm that favours further evolution of the original

    George A.

    George A. Andrews Jr.
    Physics/Applied Science
    College of William & Mary
    P.O. Box 8795
    Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795

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