Glenn's comments

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Sun Nov 11 2001 - 14:40:59 EST

  • Next message: Glenn Morton: "RE: Glenn's comments"

    Glenn wrote, in part: "The record low temperatures in Beijing which is
    near the Majuangou site is 1 degree Fahrenheit with average low
    temperatures below freezing from November until March!"

    The implicit assumptions you make here, and it may well be justified, is
    that weather temperatures 2MY ago were comparable to today and also that
    the hominids then were comparable in skin protection (I.e. were not much
    hairier) to humans today. Can these assumptions be supported? If not --
    particularly the second one, we know that animals with hair survive very
    well w/o tents and clothing today in the Arctic; if the hominids of 2MY
    ago had similar body hair, they might well have done so too, and this
    would weaken your argument somewhat.

    John Burgeson (Burgy)
           (science/theology, quantum mechanics, baseball, ethics,
            humor, cars, God's intervention into natural causation, etc.)

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