Paleontological Society resources on creation

From: bivalve (
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 11:42:49 EDT

  • Next message: bivalve: "Nebraska man"

    If anyone is interested, here is current information on the available volumes:
    Paleontological Society Papers vol. 5, 1999, "The Evolution-Creation Controvery II..." $20.00
    Spec. Pub 9, 1999, "Evolution Investigating The Evidence." $25.00
    Paleontological Society Papers vol. 2, 1996, "Learing From the Fossil Record." $20.00
    There is a postage and handling fee of $2.00/book up to a maximum of $10.00 per order.

    The books can be ordered from: Ilona Weyers; The Paleontological Society, Special Studies; Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-4080.

    I do not know if my father has any reprints of his paper in the Evolution-Creation Controversy I. I have a copy of the volume but would have trouble finding it on short notice, as I am packing up in anticipation of getting a job and moving.

        Dr. David Campbell
        "Old Seashells"
        46860 Hilton Dr #1113
        Lexington Park MD 20653 USA

    "That is Uncle Joe, taken in the masonic regalia of a Grand Exalted Periwinkle of the Mystic Order of Whelks"-P.G. Wodehouse, Romance at Droigate Spa

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