Best Thing I've Read...

From: Lucy Masters (
Date: Thu Sep 20 2001 - 17:07:19 EDT

  • Next message: David Bowman: "Re: geology, good science and a quest for info"

    Dear Howard:

    Thanks for sharing your site. This is the third time I've read this
    letter...the first time it came to me via The London Times as a Letter
    to the Editor. It's had quite a circulation and is very well written.

    The difficulty I have with it is it paints a picture of bin Laden as if
    he is some type of God, or perhaps the Devil. He is attributed with
    superhuman powers in the letter.

    The power of evil is indeed tremendous, but I cannot imagine telling a
    Sunday School class that the devil is so.o.o powerful that it is
    pointless to fight him. Might we die trying? I suppose some of us
    shall. But surely, surely it is better to fight evil than to sit by
    passively and allow it to take over the world.

    BTW: I don't believe bin Laden will have a billion to fight for him.
    His own homeland exiled him. It will be interesting to see how this
    thing shakes out, but I hope bin Laden becomes a luxury few countries
    feel they can afford.

    Oh...and we could also pray to our God to help us out. I should hope He
    is stronger than bid Laden! May God watch over the women and children
    and innocent Afghanistans during our hunt for evil.


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