Re: Reasons

From: Lucy Masters (
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 15:02:04 EDT

  • Next message: Ted Davis: "Recent events"

    John wrote:

    Bill Thomson is a clinical psychologist in private practice and a
    faculty member at the University of Michigan/Dearborn, where he teaches
    a course in Nonviolence and Violence.

    Lucy replies:

    Dr. Thomson is stunningly naive and has extracted from his one-sided
    analysis any evidence of an understanding of sociopathology. The United
    States, like every other country on earth, has made and continues to
    make its mistakes. It is also the most generous nation on earth sending
    billions of dollars and thousands of volunteers and missionaries to
    every nook and cranny to help everyone with food shortages, earthquake
    relief, you name it. There is not one nation on this earth that comes
    close to the generous spirit of our government and its people. Osama
    bin Laden and his ilk do not in any way represent normal forms of
    behavioral resistance to those policies of ours that are disliked.
    They are sociopaths with very strong external orientations toward their
    personal problems. To in any way validate their actions is, in my
    opinion, shameful. Dr. Thomson and his ilk, in effect, work as enablers
    for these terrorists to continue their outward expressions of internal

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