Seminar on "Science and the Bible" at Marlton, NJ, church

From: Ted Davis (
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 12:39:04 EDT

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    This Saturday (Sept 22) from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm, I will present a short
    course on "Science and the Bible," at the Wiley Church, 101 E. Main Street,
    Marlton, NJ. Those interested in directions to the church (I've never been
    there) should call 856-983-0506. I understand it is less than 30 minutes
    from Philadelphia.

    The seminar will consist of three one-hour segments with a lunch break
    (bring your own bag lunch, beverages will be provided). Topics will include
    scientific creationism, progressive ("old-earth") creationism, theistic
    evolution, and intelligent design. I will identify the core beliefs and
    attitudes of each position, comment briefly on its history, and discuss some
    specific books representing each position. Ample time will be provided for
    questions from the audience.

    A donation of $5 will be requested at the door.

    Ted Davis

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