Re: Vernon's claim (2)

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Sat Sep 15 2001 - 12:11:42 EDT

  • Next message: George Hammond: "Re: Gloree gloree halaluuulyaaa.... gloree gloreee halaluuulyaa"

    Vernon wrote: "John, I suggest that these facts are completely in keeping
    with my own findings, and with Richard's 'BibleWheel'. They are further
    evidence of the Creator's direct involvement in clothing his word with a
    series of independent phenomena that confirm (a) its integrity, and (b)
    his being and sovereignty."

    I certainly concur with your first sentence.

    In the absence of any theory (even speculation) of the possible use of
    the incomplete values of pi and e, I cannot concur with the second. A god
    who did this seems (to me) to have the characteristics of a college
    sophomore. (Apologies to most college sophomores; I was thinking of my
    own thread of mischievousness at age 19).


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