Re: Gloree gloree halaluuulyaaa.... gloree gloreee halaluuulyaa

From: george murphy (
Date: Sat Sep 15 2001 - 14:16:40 EDT

  • Next message: Vernon Jenkins: "Re: Vernon's claim (2)"

    Edward Hassertt wrote:

    > In response to my instance that George should explain his SPOG so this lowly
    > minister could understand it, I received the following message:
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: "George Hammond" <>
    > >
    > > And another thing Ed, I don't talk to people privately
    > > unless they are Nobel Laureates or internationally recognized
    > > authorities. If you want to say anything to me you will
    > > have to say it publicly.
    > > This goes for anyone else who thinks they are going to
    > > harangue me behind closed doors.
    > >
    > > killfile: Edward Hassertt <>
    > I addressed him privately out of respect and an attempt to approach him
    > biblically (Matt 18). I am upset with his disdain for people who are
    > actually in the trenches serving God in the community, but its probably
    > because his theory is so far out of reality that he can't explain to me.
    > Why is this guy even on a list for Christians in science, let alone a list
    > for scientists? I have a Masters Degree in Theology and am finishing up my
    > second BA in philosophy, yet he can't explain his theory in a way I can
    > understand, yet claims his theory will change the world. How can it change
    > the world if no one but Nobel Laureates or internationally recognized
    > authorities can understand it? This guy is a joke.

    Dear Edward -
            You have discovered what some of the rest of us on the ASA list found
    some time ago - that it is not worth trying to communicate with this man. His
    knowledge of relativity is superficial and that of theology is non-existent.
    His favorite argument, addressed to anyone who disagrees with him, is "You're an
    idiot." His "Scientific Proof of God" is simply a series of nonsequiturs.

             The reason he is on this list is simply that it is open to all who wish
    to participate. Virtually everybody here wishes that he would go away. The
    best way for that to be accomplished will be for all the sensible people on the
    list to ignore him as strictly as possible. It will probably take awhile for
    him to leave because he seems to have nothing better to do with his time that
    try to announce his SPOG as an answer to everything, but he will eventually
    leave if he can't get a rise out of anybody.


    George L. Murphy
    "The Science-Theology Interface"

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