[Fwd: Creation of the World 6000 BC]

From: George Hammond (ghammond@mediaone.net)
Date: Sat Jun 30 2001 - 08:08:59 EDT

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    Be sure to visit my website below, and please ask your
    news service provider to add  alt.sci.proof-of-god
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics
    Email:    ghammond@mediaone.net
    Website:  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html

    attached mail follows:


    What is Reality according to Creationism?

    According to accepted scientific tradition, Man has a sensory system and a brain that forms an "image" or "map" of the World. Generally it is believed that this MAP is in 1:1 (one to one) correspondence with the real physical reality which lies "out there". Recently however, science has discovered something called the Secular Trend which shows that no one is (or has ever been) fully grown, and that each succeeding generation has a higher percentage of growth than the previous generation. This effect is not genetic, and is in fact due to the rising world Standard of Living, mainly nutrition. In fact, the human brain on average in the population, has grown another 4% in the last century alone. What this means, is that the 1:1 figure stated above is not actually accurate, the real figure is more like .85:1. In other words, 15% of the MAP is actually missing. Furthermore, it has been discovered that this .85 figure is VARIABLE, not only from person to person in the population, but it can actually vary during a persons lifetime. This is the reason this discussion has a PRACTICAL consequence. If the MAP is our version of "reality", you can see that any variation in brain growth is going to cause a variation in "reality". This, the present theory shows, is the explanation of "Miracles" and the explanation of the existence of a "supernatural God". In other words, God actually is real, and physically exists. OK, so that's the PRACTICAL importance of all this (the SPOG). But immediately, some people have recognized that this also has a metaphysical consequence. The Creationists for instance point out that the Modern Human Brain is only about "6,000" years old. The actual figure is debatable, experts tell me the modern human brain (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) is actually about 90,000 years old. No matter, what we do know is that it is not 3.5 Billion years old! Why is this important. Well, the Creationists (Hammond) point out that if this MAP is our only knowledge of "reality", then "reality as we know it"... that is, the World, is in fact only 6,000 years old. In other words, the World actually WAS created 6,000 years ago like the Bible says. Evolutionists are of course annoyed by this, because they say "Life" was created 3.5 Billion years ago when DNA was formed. Well, if it were not for the PRACTICAL side of this (the fact that reality is actually a VARIABLE which causes "God" to exist), we could actually ignore the argument. But it turns out that this "variability" causes Psychology, Religion, Wars, Depressions, and motivates virtually all of human behavior, and therefore it CAN'T BE IGNORED. It turns out that from a practical scientific viewpoint, Creationism is as important as Evolution. Having said that, let us proceed to some other philosophic points that have come up. According to the (now scientific) Creationist view, the entire world, fully formed, was simply ploncked here "6,000" years ago when the Homo Sapiens Sapiens brain came into being. This is because this is when our MAP of reality was formed. It never existed before that. This leads to the statement that "the Universe would disappear if all men died tomorrow". Well, that is a scientific fact, because the MAP would disappear when we disappear. It is the MAP (our consciousness) that is the only thing that differentiates living things from inanimate objects. A brick wall has no "image" or "map" of reality, because it has no brain or sensory system. We do. The only thing we are "conscious of" is this map of reality. If the map disappears, you are dead. If the map disappears, reality disappears. So yes, the entire universe would disappear if all men died tomorrow. IOW, there is no "difference" between the map disappearing, and physical reality disappearing, since the only way we know physical reality is there is by the possession of this "image" or "map". Now back to the PRACTICAL matter... the VARIABILITY of this map. If the brain were 100% grown, the map would be in a true 1:1 correspondence with reality. But, the Secular Trend shows that it is NOT... it is (on average) only something like .85:1 and, it can VARY during your life. If your brain undergoes any significant growth, the World (reality) will appear to slow down and get smaller. EVERY MIRACLE in the Bible is explained by this effect, as well as the "power of God". It is said, "God quickeneth the flesh". This is EXACTLY the scientific phenomena that the Bible and Religion is talking about. So what about "Creation 6,000 years ago". Well, apparently the hominoid species emerged rather abruptly some few tens of thousands of years ago. The Bible named the first two representative Homo s. Sapiens, Adam and Eve. They actually lived maybe 50,000 years ago or thereabouts. Suddenly they found themselves looking out on the world and realized that they had no long lineage of identical ancestors.. no history etc. And they realized that they, and the whole thing around them, had just "suddenly appeared". Of course some of the stuff looked pretty old. The mountains looked like they had been eroding for millions of years etc., however, they concluded that they, the million year old mountains, and all the rest of it has been suddenly just "Created" out of nowhere. They were absolutely correct. What had just been created was their MAP or "image" of reality. A unique image not possessed by any one else, or anyone before them... hence, "Created" almost instantly (on an Evolutionary scale certainly). And this is CORRECT, scientifically speaking. Human "reality" (the MAP) did not exist before H.s.s., and it DID come into being in a very short time, only a few tens of thousand of years ago. Meanwhile, down through the ages, H.s.s. began noticing that "reality" was not a constant... that there were such things as "supernatural" changes in reality. These became named "miracles", and were attributed to a supernatural power called "God". Because these effects are sometimes subtle and hard to prove, the matter became controversial. Nevertheless, the vast majority conceded that there did seem to be some evidence of a "higher power", and eventually huge "Religions" sprang up to study this on a massive social scale, and provide guidance to the population concerning this controversial and powerful mystery. The history of religion underwent a series of developments. At first it was believed that there were many "Gods". The Egyptians identified at least 12 (ca. 3,000 BC). Around 1500 BC however, a very perceptive Pharaoh named Akhenaton declared that he believed there was a "Chief God", and he named it the Sun God (Ra). Around that time, Moses, writing the Old Testament, decided that there was only "one God" also, and struck the other 12 out and called the Chief God "Yahweh" (Jehovah). Between 500 BC and 0 BC, the Greeks and the Romans mooted the question of a "Top God" and evolved the 12 "Olympian Gods", being once again, basically the 12 "secondary Gods" that the Egyptians had discovered. Meanwhile, in the Indus Valley, the Hindu religion evolved quite independently, and they had at least 3 or 4 tiers of Gods, at least 50 demigods (small gods), a dozen or so bigger Gods, and 3 or 4 "mighty" Gods, and perhaps, one "chief God" (Vishnu). Then, in 0 AD, a startling development occurred in the Middle East as a result of the unruly population of the Western World under the Romans deciding to "storm the schoolhouse", then known as Israel. A miraculous charismatic prophet, obviously the most knowledgeable person the world had ever seen about matters of "God" emerged, and was crucified by the Romans, apparently for "doing nothing wrong". According to him, and his (ultimately huge) following, there was a real God. Well, the rest you know... the history of Christianity since those days. And finally, we come down to 1997, and an itinerant physicist cum psychologist named George E. Hammond haling from Cape Cod Massachusetts. Hammond was investigating something called the Structural Model in Factor Analysis and Psychometry, and it turns out, is no amateur in General Relativity (Einstein's Theory). What Hammond discovered, is that there were:

    30-50 1st order eigenvectors 13 2nd order eigenvectors 4 3rd order eigenvectors 1 4th order eigenvector

    in Psychometry. The STARTLING DISCOVERY is that there was only ONE last Factor (eigenvector). Hammond ultimately tracked this to the fact that the Human Body (and brain) is 3-Axis Geometric and that this is caused by the 3-axis geometry of real space. Then discovering that TIME, the 4th dimension showed up in Psychometric space as (IQ=mental speed), he suddenly realized WHY there was only ONE FINAL FACTOR... because there were only 4 axiomatic factors at the 3rd level... caused by the 4 metrical Variable of Physics (spacetime). This meant that the final factor was caused by GRAVITY. Further research showed the FINAL FACTOR was caused by the Secular Trend in brain growth, and quite obviously, explained "miracles" and "God". Moreover, the ENTIRE 5,000 YEAR HISTORY of Global Religion (demigods, lesser gods, the Chief God) was totally explained. The scientific proof of God (SPOG) had been finally found (1997). Although a preliminary paper had been published in the peer reviewed literature by Hammond in 1994, it was not until 3 years later in 1997 that he actually realized he had discovered the world's first true, scientific proof of God. Languishing about, Hammond wondered who on Earth would believe him, and who would actually be interested. Then he stumbled on the Creationists on the Internet. It now appears that there is to be a shotgun wedding between Hammond and the Creationists, forced as it were, by the apparent birth of a SPOG and a concurrent (and suspiciously coincident) grassroots groundswell of Creationist and Biblical sentiment in opposition to the apparently growing secular stance being taken by modern science. HAMMOND June 30, 2001, Hyannis

    Be sure to visit my website below, and please ask your
    news service provider to add  alt.sci.proof-of-god
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics
    Email:    ghammond@mediaone.net
    Website:  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html

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