Vineyard Churches

From: Brent Foster (
Date: Thu Jun 07 2001 - 13:01:58 EDT

  • Next message: Bjoern Moeller: "Re: Vineyard Churches"

    Subject: Vineyard Churches

    Alternate Subject: So. Baptist who wishes you guys would change the name of the "Re: So. Baptist Spin on BOE Vote" thread

    Hello list,
    Actually I am following that thread even though the subject has drifted a little :) I participated some in the coal discussions last year on ACG but don't have time to now.

    At this point I have a concern that maybe some on the list can help with. I'm a So. Baptist and I have been considering my denominational affiliation in light of the SBCs recent political outspokenness. I have a good friend at my church who is also thinking about leaving our church but for different reasons. She is seriously considering joining a Vineyard Church. She seems to be attracted by the energetic, spirit-filled atmosphere of worship, and particularly the music. She and I both are involved with the music ministry at our church. I don't think she knows much about Vineyard, and I didn't either until I did a little research. One thing that seems to stand out about Vineyard is their emphasis on the public display of spiritual gifts, such as healing, tongues etc... I'm very skeptical of the public display of these kinds of gifts. Not necessarily that the gifts exist. But I'm afraid that people might be attending these types of services just to see a magic show. Of course !
    I've never been to a Vineyard service so who am I to judge.

    I've seen a variety of opinions expressed here on miracles, Biblical and modern. I'd love to hear some opinions from scientist-Christians on spiritual gifts, and if anybody has any personal knowledge or experience with Vineyard Churches.



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