Biology and Purpose seminar update

From: Kerry Schutt (
Date: Wed Feb 07 2001 - 12:43:02 EST

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Spoof"

    This announcement for the "Biology and Purpose" summer seminar has
    already been posted on this listserv several times. However, please
    note that we have added a paragraph of clarification for physical and
    laboratory scientists. We would like to encourage scientists to apply
    so that we can achieve a balance of scientists and non-scientists in the
    group. Please contact me with any questions.

    Kerry Schutt Nason
    Seminars in Christian Scholarship

    Seminar Announcement: "Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and
    Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory," Dr. Philip Clayton, Professor of
    Philosophy, Sonoma State University and Dr. Jeffrey Schloss, Professor
    of Biology, Westmont College. July 2-27, 2001. Funded by the John

    The goals of this seminar are to provide a rigorous, even-handed, and
    highly interdisciplinary assessment of the current "evolution and human
    nature" debates in light of theological and philosophical concerns and
    new theories in population genetics, sociobiology, evolutionary
    psychology, and emerging, alternative approaches. Applications from all
    disciplines are encouraged, in order to stimulate publishable,
    integrative scholarship that is both scientifically sound and
    theologically astute.

    seminar are to provide a rigorous and even-handed assessment of the
    current "evolution and human nature" debates, in light of new theories
    in population genetics, sociobiology, evolutionary psychology, Darwinian
    anthropology, ethology, and evoultionary neuroscience, with the goal of
    fostering publishable, interdisciplinary scholarship that is both
    scientifically sound and theologically astute. While our ultimate goal
    is to explore the relationship between evolutionary theories of human
    nature and philosophical & theological perspectives on altruism,
    morality, and human purpose, in order to do this we will emphasize the
    scientific literature and engage the extraordinary latitude in and
    controversy over current biological theories. Issues we will examine
    include the renewed debate over group selection, cognitive wholism vs.
    modularity, reproductive optimality vs. pleiotropy and non-adaptive
    processes in evolution, directionality & disteleology in natural
    selection, and controversies over memetics and other hierarchical or
    dualistic accounts of human evolution. The first two and a half weeks of
    the seminar will entail lectures
    and readings that emphasize the scientific material, including guest
    lecturers by two international leaders in evolutionary biology; the
    latter one and a half weeks will be explicitly integrative. We are very
    much hoping to have a lively mix of disciplines represented by
    participants, and all of us should be drawn beyond the boundaries of our
    own disciplines to address questions that are not just multi- but
    genuinely interdisciplinary.

    Participants will receive a stipend of $2500 and free lodging during
    the seminar. See the program web site for details and to download an
    application form (

    Calvin College Seminars in Christian Scholarship
    Phone: 616-957-8558

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